Identify best-in-class Social Media accounts among our competitive set

Social media

The nonprofit wants to improve their social media performance, and a key part of that is understanding which other nonprofits are doing a great job — and how they’re doing it.

Background provided by the nonprofit

  • Links to the organization’s existing social media accounts
  • An initial set of nonprofits in similar sectors
  • Background on the organization (usually a link to their website)

Well-written challenge provide volunteers with 100% of the information they’ll need to make a great contribution. We provide you with handy tools to assemble and organize this information painlessly (<10 mins).
Learn more about challenges

Contribution made by the volunteer professional

A great response will include:
  • A longer list of comparable nonprofits, with links to their social media accounts and (reasonably detailed) commentary about what they like in particular about those accounts
  • Please include sufficient detail in your comments to enable the organization to make specific decisions based on it (eg, design, content type, scheduling, etc.)

Supporting nonprofits on Laurels is a group effort, so always make sure to note how far you got, what needs more work, tips for accessing your content, etc.
Learn more about responses

Related challenges

We'll identify the top 50 Tiktok influencers that you should be tracking for your account
We'll write job specs for any social media role and help you identify resources for hiring them
Social media
Human resources
Add your personal photos from our recent event
Social media
Use AI to research competitors
Identify comparable nonprofits with excellent blogs
Email marketing
Identify exemplary websites from comparable nonprofits
Web design
Research leading grant-making institutions among our competitors
Identify relevant reporters and influencers to add to our mailing lists
Identify best-in-class About / Mission web pages among our competitive set
Copy writing
Web design
Review our social media account for best practices
Social media
Best practices
Identify best-in-class donor landing pages among our competitive set
Landing pages
Web design
Create a reference gallery of great Instagram posts from comparable nonprofits
Social media
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