We'll audit your homepage for navigation and ease of use

Best practices
Web design


Background provided by the nonprofit

  • Detail on what systems you have used in the past, what you liked or disliked about those systems, and what you hope to improve by using a new vendor
  • Summary views on system requirements, usage constraints, and volume and cost considerations
  • Background on the organization (usually a link to your website)
  • Notes, if any, on potential vendors that you have already looked at

Well-written challenge provide volunteers with 100% of the information they’ll need to make a great contribution. We provide you with handy tools to assemble and organize this information painlessly (<10 mins).
Learn more about challenges

Contribution made by the volunteer professional

A great response will include:
  • Identification of leading potential vendors
  • Links to any existing vendor analyses online that might help in this project
  • A summary of the leading vendor candidates vs. the nonprofit’s requirements

Supporting nonprofits on Laurels is a group effort, so always make sure to note how far you got, what needs more work, tips for accessing your content, etc.
Learn more about responses

Related challenges

We'll conduct an audit of your Instagram account for best practices
Best practices
We'll analyze your donor landing page vs. best-in-class competitors
Best practices
Landing pages
Use ChatGPT to generate a set of "About Us" content alternatives for our website
Web design
Copy writing
Compare our email open and click rates against standard benchmarks
Email marketing
Edit the copy for our revised FAQ
Copy writing
Web design
Create a template for our new blog section
Graphic design
Create a site map for our website redesign
Graphic design
Web design
Create a style guide for our website redesign
Graphic design
Web design
Review our website navigation for best practices
Best practices
Web design
Audit our website for content and copy
Web design
Copy writing
Identify exemplary websites from comparable nonprofits
Web design
Review our email newsletters for best practices
Email marketing
Copy writing
Best practices
© 2024 Helpspace, Inc.